Putting on my Face


I used to be SO self conscious about the way I loved to get all dolled up. Even if it was for a Tuesday spent at home. I’ve ALWAYS “put on my face”. My mom did in home daycare my entire life. Every single day, she put on a cute outfit, did her hair, and a full face of make up. She always said it energized her. I get that from her. I went through a phase after college and into the early years of motherhood feeling totally embarrassed by how I looked…mostly because other women would constantly comment on “what are you so dressed up for” or “do you REALLY put a full face of make up on every single day?!”….as if it were something I should be ashamed of. At some point over the past several years, I’ve really started to care less and less about what other women think of me. If I want to put fake lashes on MY eyelids every day of the week, how does that affect someone else’s life?! You’re  right Katie, it doesn’t! I like a full face of make up every single day, because it makes ME feel good. 


I love all things hair and make up. I love comfy, but cute, clothes. I love jewelry. I especially love inexpensive hair/makeup/clothes/jewelry. I’m hopeful this space will be a place where you can learn quick and easy ways to spruce up your wardrobe, and ya face! If those aren’t your jam, stick around anyway! 

BeautyTYMhair, makeup1 Comment